Mar 30, 2023
WATCH NOW: Daisy Dodd-Noble in conversation with Stephanos Georgiou and Errol Fernandes
Roman Road Talks | 12 January 2023
On the occasion of Daisy Dodd-Noble’s solo exhibition Landscapes from the UK at Roman Road, we were specially joined at the gallery by Landscape Architect Stephanos Georgiou from Dan Pearson Studio, and Errol Fernandes, Head of Horticulture at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, for an enlightening conversation with the artist. Exploring themes of climate change and how it might affect the British landscape, they discussed the role of trees in the present and future world, and the importance of the human-nature relationship. Surrounded by Dodd-Noble’s latest landscape paintings, which feature certain trees she has encountered, such as Sequoias and Norwegian Spruces, reimagined in tranquil terrains, they also spoke of how our landscapes are instilled with many different and foreign species of trees, cultivated and distributed by humans. How do we respond to non-native plants? And should mankind interfere so much with nature or is it best left to its own devices?